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GCSAA PAC funds at work

16 Oct 2018 8:33 PM | Tony Dierkers (Administrator)


So far, GCSAAPAC has made several, bipartisan donations to Members of Congress who have impacted golf. $500 was contributed to Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), who is the Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee which has jurisdiction over water and pesticide issues. $500 was also contributed to Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS), who has supported a number of our positions on environmental issues and represents GCSAA headquarters in Lawrence, Kansas. $500 was contributed to Congressman Kevin Yoder (R-KS-3) as part of a larger event attended by GSCAA superintendents and staff at Shadow Glen Golf Club in Olathe, Kansas. Finally, $500 was contributed to Senator John Barrasso, the Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

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